Sunday Post ~ Tripping into Fall

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

I have been gone again. I think this is going to be my life until something changes for me at work. As in teaching a different subject. And I have a plan for that. It was a light bulb moment on Tuesday. If this change ends up happening for me next year, it will solve all of my problems with the struggle between professional and personal life and I wouldn’t have to sacrifice my beloved yearbook kids and could walk out the door at 4:00 every day. And with this change, the 6th ELA team can have full classes instead of one less due to one of mine having to be yearbook, so smaller classes! Win for everybody.

I have been very overwhelmed the past two or three weeks with my admin and the 938202 things I have to do in the behind-the-scenes parts of my job as a teacher. I have all the advanced classes, one on-level class (that in reality NEEDS to be a co-teach class), and my yearbook class. I am struggling planning on my own because what I do for my ELA kids is different than my partner, who does have almost all co-teach classes, and don’t feel as connected with teaching anymore. I feel like an island under attack – and I’m fed up with feeling this way again. I thought that was gone with our last principal. As an elective, nobody cares what you’re doing or critically critiquing every second of your lesson and interaction with your students. That’s the direction I want to go in in the media world because I love yearbook and that is where my passion now lies.

I am in love with my kids this year, mostly. My advanced students are really motivated and enthusiastic and just fun. My non-advanced class is like a zoo full of monkeys in paper cages with their tails on fair in the middle of a tsunami. And then I have my yerds who are fabulous. Sadly, I am losing two of my staff soon due to moves. I have also lost two advanced students and one moved classes. Thankfully, that now makes my max number of students in two classes 33. I was able to move out two desks on Friday. People will actually be able to get around my room!

I recently saw one of my favorite bands, Restless Heart, with my mom. We are also traveling – with all my doggies – to Tennessee for Thanksgiving with my middle brother. We have the Suburban booked. I can’t wait! I took my mom out for her birthday Friday night and spoiled her with gray Isotoner gloves like she had when I was growing up and an opal necklace to match the ring we bought in Mexico last summer.

My coworkers at school keep making fun of me (and complimenting me) because I’ve lost 40 pounds and my pants won’t stay on! I want to continue to lose 45 more and get with my doctor about a new medication for my anxiety and depression that might also aide in weight loss.

I am continuing to try to make improvements with my house. By divine intervention, yesterday morning I was able to get an entire pallet of emerald zoysia sod for $175. My dad and I spent the day laying it. He pulled out two of the bushes my mom hates, but the rest have to be removed with the chainsaw at a later date. He also pulled out the oleander that I’ve wanted gone. My mom and I have already made plans and done finally measurements on fixing (and expanding) the fence for the backyard and adding a 10’x10′ dog kennel so I can put the crazies outside for a few hours at a time in a safe, enclosed space. The next thing on my list is really pushing my landlord to remove the two dead trees – both alarmingly close to the house. One will definitely require a professional, as the limbs are all entangled in 8 different power lines that run alongside my house. And it is leaning, so eventually it’s going to rip down those lines.

I have been so bogged down this year that I haven’t even picked up my book since I don’t know when. I want to finish this novel, but it was a bit of a struggle for me getting through the beginning. Our school also received some free copies of Gordon Korman’s novel RESTART. I am planning on reading it because he is coming to our school on October 29th!

Sunday Post ~ September Spaz

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

It is crazy to think we are *almost* through the first six weeks of school! My 6th-period class has earned a special place in my heart because they are super rockstars. I have been pretty with it in terms of staying on top of my grading. They have had a handful of online assignments that auto-grades, so that has made my life a little easier these past two weeks.

And my yearbook staff are hitting the ground running! I’ve got some great leaders and go-getters. We went to our fall workshop last week and I loved seeing them brighten with the possibilities and trends they saw to bring back to their own pages.

My goal this year is to refocus on me and mine – especially my K9 crew. I am not going to put in hours like I did last year. I will do what I can in the time I’m given. I lost 30 lbs this summer, and prioritizing how to eat better and cook meals is something I want to do this year. I really want to lose another 30 lbs by the time my birthday rolls around, but definitely within the next year. I want to enjoy my life. It has been really hard for me to go beyond the fact that being a teacher is not my identity.

I am in love with my living room now that the furniture is useful for me. I’ve spent every evening and my weekends in the living room instead of my bedroom. It makes grading and eating so much easier! This was a great purchase decision and I’m glad I did it. While I have another payment, it was worth it. I keep telling myself in less than a year my Jeep will be paid off and a couple other things, so I’ll be keeping over $500 each month. I cannot wait! Not like I’m actually going to see that money…it’ll be put to paying down other bills! Oh, the life.

Reading has fallen a little by the wayside as school has picked up. I have tried several nights to read, but I am so tired I don’t get more than a few pages read. I’m trying to make up for that on nights I am not staying at school and on the weekends. I’ve rea my first Christmas read, and now I’m moving on to something a little more mysterious.

And on the other hand, I have a total of 16 reviews to write. How did I let this get so out of hand?? Maybe I need more hands…or an octopus or two.

Buying a Library Book


Sunday Post ~ Back in the Swing

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

School has started and I have some great kids! A few squirrels and chuckleheads, but I think we’re working out those kinks. I have an awesome assembly of yearbook kids. I think perhaps the best group ever. We are three weeks in and progress reports go out this week.

Two weeks ago I took Baby in for her shots and asked them about a bump on her elbow. It was a tumor. She went into surgery three days later. I take her back this week to get her stitches out and find out the results. And today is her 8th birthday!

Last week my middle brother, who has been deployed to Iraq, finally came home! I am so glad he is back stateside and he and his wife are settling into their new home. He will be coming home in a few weeks and I can’t wait.

Last weekend I drove almost to Oklahoma with my friend to pick up a dog for her daughter. It was a surprise. Her husband finally agreed to get a puppy and gave up his rigid rule that it had to be a schnauzer. The original puppy they saw in pictures kept disappearing, so she picked out another one. As we were leaving, I asked her about the original one. The owner brought her back out of the house…and we backed away with two puppies! I couldn’t decide, she couldn’t decide, her husband couldn’t decide, so we let her daughter decide. She actually picked the original one they were going to get, and I came home with a ten-week chocolate and caramel Border Collie-Labrador. With the mask around her eyes, I thought of masks and masquerades, so I named her Revel.

Two weeks ago I took advantage of the Labor Day sales and set out with my friend and her daughter – the KK girls – to find the perfect reclining sectional and coffee table for my odd-shaped living room. I settled on a denim-looking sectional called Levi and a large rolling coffee table. I found a great discounted rug at Walmart that matched and everything arrived and got set up yesterday. I am SO in love with my living room and foresee spending a lot more time there. It will also be much more helpful for grading papers.

I have been trying to keep up with reading. It has been tough this week. I have been going to bed earlier than I ever did the past school years. My eyes can’t stay open to read more than 5 pages this past week.

Back to School

Read & Recommend

Psyching Yourself Up

Choosing the Next Book

Gifts for Book Lovers

Buying a Library Book

Sunday Post ~ Life Is Good

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

I have been MIA for a while. I returned from my Hawaiian vacation on Monday, and coming back to our time zone hit me hard. I slept on our 8-hour flight and again in the airport during our 5+ hour delay. Poco was ecstatic to see me, but Baby was so mad at me for leaving her. She finally came around halfway through the night, halfway through the week.

Even though my contract doesn’t start until August 8, I went back to work on Tuesday and to plan our first-ever 6th grade orientation. Wednesday and Thursday I was planning with my new partner and my mentee, and Friday we hosted the orientation. I was surprised 126 kids showed up! I also heard from the horse’s mouth we have over 300 6th graders enrolled. There are only two core teachers. You do the math.

Yesterday I got my car washed. I want to get it detailed this fall. It’s been 5½ years. It’s about time, right? After sitting in my side yard for two months, my dad and I erected my gazebo and assemebled my patio furniture. We were both tired by the time that was all done, so we called it quits. It still needs the netting put up and all of the items I have sitting in my living room (also for two months.)

I did get some reading in while on the flight to Hawaii! I finished books! I have also been reading almost every night since I’ve been home. I need to sit down and figure out all the reviews I need to write. I finished Rogue Most Wanted and Once Upon a Bad Boy. I’m currently reading The Earl Next Door.

Book Blogger Hop – Multiple Copies

My Life is Complete!

Back to School

Book Blogger Hop – Read & Recommend

Sunday Post ~ May….Showers

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

Last week was a bit of a breather. It didn’t seem as pressure-filled as weeks before have. We are on that downward slope to the end of the year and leading up to our state testing. I had my summative conference for my observation. My appraiser was great. She had nothing bad to say, but she did say next year she wants me to be leading sessions at faculty meetings. Not so interested in that, but that’s part of growing and learning. This weekend my parents and I drove to San Antonio to see my baby brother graduate from his first phase of training at Ft. Sam. We brought him home and he will fly out this Saturday to Hawaii for the next phase. It has been raining and storming off and on for the past two weeks. We had two really bad days, and even my principal cancelled everything after school on one of those days. We are going to have another full week of rain. It’s good for the crops and my plants, but I am over the wet shoes and mud everywhere. I have a hot mess of boxes and semi-started projects all around the house. I have a goal to finish one that I started to clear up some clutter in the kitchen. I am a little project-ed out right now. I haven’t been watching my currently running shows, so I should have some episodes to enjoy this week. I have also re-started Forensic Files on Netflix. I heard some rumblings about the Bachelorette season starting up, so I’m going to check on that too. I really do want to see how Alabama Hannah navigates through this process. My classes read more of HOLES, so they are *so close* to being done with the book. I will have to catch up since I am a few chapters behind. I made no progress on The Vintage Summer Wedding.

These are the recent things I’ve blogged about…

Inspirational & Thought-Provoking Book Quotes

WWW Wednesdays

Dream Novel

Sunday Post ~ April Showers

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

I suck at getting my Sunday posts up. I seriously have half of it typed up, and then I totally forget about it on Sunday. Some highlights over the last 3 weeks…
  • My Kindle died. I was torn about buying a new one, but I forged ahead and bought a Kindle Oasis. It is not like my Kindle Fire at all. More like a Paperwhite. I have started reading on it, but I’m having trouble finding my books and docs like I could on my Kindle Fire. I guess that’s the new tech learning curve.
  • I admit I’ve operated like an ostrich all year long, doing only what I needed to do to survive, no extra energy to do even the basic things at home in the evenings. Which has included taking all of my meds daily. So I bought enough pill boxes to last me the entire month, for morning and night. Now I have no excuse for not taking my meds. I sit down once a month and fill them all – just like paying the bills. This will help me get back on track…and not look like a druggie when people come to my house. The pill bottles add up when you’re skipping doses!
  • I have slowly been working on projects on my house to-do list. I got all my plants re-potted and discovered I had 4 pecan trees growing in some of them. I also went through my closet and dressers and came out with a box of clothes to donate, and all my winter clothes to go back into tubs in my office closet. I have a whole corner of my room back! The floorboards in my Jeep looked like a playground, so I vacuumed it out with the shop vac. I am trying to de-odorize my house from Poco’s pee parties on the carpets. I have 6 Air Wicks throughout the house and sprinkled and vacuumed the carpets with about the 15th product trying to solve this problem. I bought cute containers to organize my bathroom rack and hall closets and it looks so much nicer! I also am working on organizing my jewelry on my dresser and my make-shift pantry in the kitchen. I will have to take the entire box out to get to anything, but at least nothing will come tumbling down now. Order and tidiness helps ease my anxiety, which is weird because I don’t even realize it’s having an impact on my anxiety until after things are all tidied up.
  • I ordered 3 cherry blossom bare roots to plant on the side of the house. I love those trees so much and I hope they’ll turn out just as pretty as pictures once they’re grown.
  • My landlord said he’s going to expand my backyard and take the fence to the property line, so the side will get an extra 4-5 feet and then there will be some shade from the trees in my yard.
  • It’s contract season and gossip is running rampant. My mentee has already been the subject of mean girl gossip. Someone had the gall to tell her they “heard” her contract wasn’t getting renewed. What a jackass. A jackass who knows nothing about what she was talking about. A jackass who is not even a certified teacher on our campus. I know where my mentee’s position will be next year. The irony in this mean girl’s tidbit of “news” is that nobody has contracts yet…and those who are not getting them have already been met with. Plus, the gossip-monger doesn’t even get a contract, so she’s just a shidiot.
  • Shit + Idiot = Shidiot. Don’t be one.
  • Our PTSA held the second spring carnival this year. My yearbook kids and I did the jail again, which is locking kids, teachers, parents up in a horse trailer. It was the biggest money-making booth last year, and I think we did pretty decent again this year. It was so much fun – and I left with a delicious lemonade slush!
  • I took my yearbook editors for next year to our spring workshop to prepare for the 2020 yearbook. We ironed out the theme, visuals, verbals, fonts, and color palettes. We mocked up our ladder for next year and realized we are going to need even more pages than we had this year. Our book will steadily grow to almost 100 pages in two years, I’m sure of it.
  • My dad’s best friend passed away. My second brother is named after this man, who my dad has known since he was 8 years old. Ken had a heart attack an hour after leaving the VA hospital. (Don’t even get me started on THAT. I am so angry at the VA for not taking care of the men I care about. Two are now dead because of their negligence.) He was Starflighted from his house and was unresponsive afterward. His son kept a tight lid on it and didn’t even tell my dad until 4 days later, and only because they were going to take him off life support the next morning. It was so hard seeing my dad broken over the loss of a man who he has been so close to for over 50 years. They would go on boys trips to Vegas every year for several years when I was younger. This is the only person I can think of that is important to my dad outside of our family. He has buried his parents, his sister, and now his best friend.
My classes and I are still trucking it through HOLES. We read chapters 29-32 and started a new type of journal. They have fewer entries to do than before with their double-entry journal, but are required to do more with their entries now. I was out on Monday, so they all read ahead and I haven’t read those chapters yet! EEK! I started reading on my new Kindle Oasis, picking up with the books on my list. I read The Vintage Summer Wedding, which started off strangely.  I wasn’t sure what exactly was going on.

These are the recent things I’ve blogged about…

My Dilemma – Helps!

Top Ten: Outrageous Things I’ve Done for Books

Book Blogger Hop: Re-Reading a New Release

Book Blogger Hop: Checking Views

Top Ten: First 10 Books I Reviewed

Book Blogger Hop: Psyching Yourself Up

Sunday Post ~ The Shake Up

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

It is the season of transfers and contracts. Everyone on my campus is going wild with district changes to positions for next school year. I took the opportunity to ask to be moved out of language arts and into social studies due to the stress of running yearbook. I told my principal I don’t feel I’m doing yearbook justice. He said he would love to move me where I wanted. He would – if he could. Except next year we become a dual language campus and that position is designated to have sections of dual language. I was really disappointed about it.  It was a long shot anyway.  Everyone else is all in a flutter. Some that are being

I also took care of a few tasks that I hadn’t even realized were causing me a lot of anxiety until they were completed, like getting rid of six over-sized bags of books that have been in my car for over a week. And finally mopping my kitchen floor. My rule is I won’t mop until my backyard is all dried out because it takes 7 months to dry out after even just a sprinkle. Well, I mopped on Sunday and it rained this week.

I have been trying to get to bed early every night. Tuesday I felt like I was not even present. I felt like I was in a bubble of slowness and not functioning very well. I’ve started putting Poco in his kennel at night because he acts like the typical chauvinistic male asshat and thinks he’s the guardian of my bed and tries to start shit with Baby when she comes to get in bed with me. They’ve been waking me up every night. We’ve already had several talks about how he is not in charge of who gets in my bed, so he’s been kicked out indefinitely to the dog house.

And MY KINDLE DIED. As in DEAD DEAD. I want to cry. 

My students and I are still reading HOLES. We are starting to pick up speed and are around the halfway point in the book. They have all these theories they’ve been bouncing around as we get further into the book. I also finished several books this past week. I have my reading mojo back!! Now…about writing those reviews, errr… WELL. Can’t read any more books on my list because of this Kindle situation. I need about six hunnid fiddy dollars to fix this problemo…and pay for my Sirius radio. *sigh* It’s that time. 

These are the recent things I’ve blogged about…

Top Ten: Books on My Spring TBR

WWW Wednesday

Book Blogger Hop: Reading Along With Audio

Top Ten: Audio Freebie

Book Blogger Hop: Classic One

Top Ten: Things That Make Me Pick Up A Book

WWW Wednesday

Book Blogger Hop: Swapping Lives


Sunday Post ~ She Returns

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

So. I’m working on slowly, truly coming back to my blog. And reading. I haven’t read a book since last summer. I’m currently reading HOLES with my students, and it breaks my heart to realize I’ve gone half a year without reading. That’s how stressed I’ve been.

The same thing can be said about my bullet journal. I have slowly been whittling away at a spread here or there in it this past week, but I am SO far behind for the year.

Last week was spring break and while I should have been working on bujo and blog projects like a madman, I wasn’t. I was a total bum. And now I need at least 2 more days of spring break. During the break I slept A LOT, played all my games daily, watched a fair amount of TV, did some tidying here and there, had a day out with my mom, celebrated one brother’s birthday, and went to visit my baby brother at Ft. Sam. Y’all, I found out that I can totally be on board with living in the stingray area of the aquarium. I LOVED petting and playing with them.

If you follow me on Insta, you’ll know these past few weeks have been rough with Poco. This is the dog I found in early November and no one ever claimed him. My landlord’s husband volunteers with our shelter and is in the loop tried using his contacts to help in addition to everything I was doing to find this dog’s people. After weeks and weeks, I finally took him to get shots and chipped. He got fixed at the end of January and since then things have gone downhill fast.

I had to order quite a motherload of new shoes since Poco chewed up all my flip flops and two brand new pairs of shoes. And since I was there, I also purchased some additions to my wardrobe. This summer my goal is to go through my closet and remove and donate everything I don’t wear and reorganize. It really is chaos right now. I feel like a college kid picking up clothes off the floor to wear because I hate the closet.

I have also been working on trying to get to bed earlier to have more sleep and quality sleep. Well, some nights. I am the worst at taking care of myself, and I’m trying to start one thing each week to start building habits to take care of me. Two weekends ago I practiced straightening my hair to see how it would turn out and if that’s something I can keep doing moving forward. Success! I had so many compliments that next week about my new ‘do. Then I added in wearing my upper earrings and sometimes one other piece of jewelry, either a necklace or bracelet. I think my next step will be making the time to put on makeup a couple days a week.

My classroom is also feeling cramped. In the next two weeks I plan on getting rid of a tall bookcase, reorganizing furniture and some of my systems, and hopefully feel a little more fresh for the last stretch of the year.

I’m reading HOLES with all of my ELA classes. We have read thru chapter 10. We are keeping a double-entry journal as we go through the book. The kids are finding great examples of figurative language and irony. We’ve had some interesting discussions about Zero knowing something about the Warden, Mr. Sir having something to do with the yellow-spotted lizards, and more.

This is the first time I’ve read the book. Most of my students don’t believe me, though. I keep telling them I’m reading it for the first time alongside them. I have seen the movie, so I’m looking for things I know are different as I go through the book.

Sunday Post ~ Working Hard

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

All week we were back to work. I spent literally all week in meetings and trainings. I didn’t have any time to work in my classroom, and I still have one big project left to do. I have to get it done on Monday, as well as get to planning all the small details of the first few weeks.

Thursday was Meet the Teacher Night. I was very upset – almost to the point of not even caring anymore – when the call came in that we could not advertise for parents to buy yearbooks. There were already 500 cups of popcorn with labels on them. I had to take all of them off and my officers were confused and bewildered, as was I. I think I met all 75 kids in my first period class. I don’t know where they are all going to sit, but that’ll be a first day problem.

I took my painting back yesterday morning to fix. I didn’t like my name or the crazy hippo. It still didn’t turn out like I wanted, so now I have a fat blue turtle.

I wasn’t able to start my new book this week like I had hoped. I came home mentally or physically exhausted every day. I hope to get some reading in this weekend. I did get around to some visiting, though!


Sunday Post ~ So It Begins

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It is a weekly news post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase the books and other goodies you’ve received, and share news about upcoming events on your blog. Be creative and personalize it! To get in on the Sunday fun day, see the rules here: Suday Post Meme.

This week was crazy busy. Monday was my last day of freedom. Tuesday I called my yearbook officers for a work day. We met with our rep and ironed out our cover. We have our theme, colors, and visuals down. Now to pick out the fonts. We cleaned up the room quite a bit and I think it is going to be so much better this year with systems in processes in place that hold them accountable. Wednesday my mom and I picked up a bookcase I desperately need for my classroom and we hauled it up to school. Thursday my editor and I went shopping for the ten million things we needed to buy. We got started painting the A-frame (for marketing) but we couldn’t finish it all. I fixed the books and bookcase situation and then went home. Between these two days and the day setting up my classroom two weeks ago, I’ve already put in over 30 hours unpaid.

Friday was our first day back. It was a work day (YAY!) so it was nice and easy and slow, work at your own pace, and there were some middle school bebe’s up there to help out. I met the new peeps on my team and I think we are going to have a solid, no-snitch team this year that runs the Wild West like nobody’s business. Also, my partner K was trying to match-make me with my new door neighbor because he came in in the afternoon and asked if I was wearing house shoes (I was) and he said he was going to like me (in the “this is going to be a good year, we are the same kind of crazy teacher” vein). NO, people, there will be no matchmaking. He is married. K also went out of town, so Friday morning she brought Lacy Dog to my house and she and Baby had fun all day, and then Lacy Dog became the fun police when I got home. Yesterday they spent most of the day in opposite rooms.

I had an amazing hair day this week! It was done by late afternoon, but I captured it’s gloriousness below.

I also ordered some items from Amazon, including a scale that reads all kinds of things about your body. I opened it up yesterday and got it running. I was 100% positive I gained back all the weight I lost in April/May and then some. Yep, I gained 20 pounds from what I lost. How is that even fucking possible?? Going to get down to the grind with my keto again.

My middle brother – the one that never talks to anyone – superbly pissed me off Friday night. I honestly don’t think we can be siblings anymore with his viewpoints. It is going to be an awkward Thanksgiving when he gets leave and finds out it is going to be at my house.

I tried getting around to visiting and commenting. Even if I didn’t comment, I saw opened and read almost every post that came to my email. That’s a good step, right? I’m working on it, y’all. I’m going to try to be better about visiting today’s post today. What a concept! LOL

I have finished both of these books and I could not stop telling people (erm, my mom and partner K) about I Love You More. GUYS. Go read it! I am going to find something else on my list to start reading today.

I also realized that it is highly unlikely that I will meet any of my reading goals or challenges for the year, and it bothers me because THIS year was supposed to be THE year. *sigh* If only. I have got to get my shit locked down from now on.
