Beyond the Books ~ Read Across America 


Beyond the Books is a weekly meme hosted by Karen @ KissinBlueKaren. Each week features a new topic (mostly non-bookish). This meme is a fun, social weekly post.

This Week’s Topic:

Read Across America 

NEA’s Read Across America is an annual reading motivation and awareness program that calls for every child in every community to celebrate reading on March 2, the birthday of beloved children’s author Dr. Seuss.




I have loved reading ever since I learned how – and I don’t foresee that stopping any time soon. Join me tomorrow, March 2nd, in celebrating Read Across America in celebration of Dr. Seuss.




Upcoming Prompts:

March 8– March is Woman’s History Month
March 15– St.Patrick’s Day
March 22– Spring begins
March 29– What’s in your purse

5 thoughts on “Beyond the Books ~ Read Across America 

  1. I grew up with Dr. Seuss books and still own some of them. I’ve loved reading all my life and can’t imagine how less my life would be without books.

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