Chit Chat – March 2017

Monthly Chit Cat

March News

This month brought spring break – GLORY ON HIGH, Y’ALL! I’m sure you’re all dying to know how the subpoena (during my vacation!) went. Well, what I have to say is the opposing attorney set out to bait me on the stand into giving hearsay testimony.  After I stated my name, she specifically asked the judge to explain to me (in the context of why I was called to testify) what hearsay testimony is – and I quote! – “because I feel there will be a lot of that going on.” She was VERY dramatic – even to the point of almost falling out of her chair to appear so shocked at one point. She wasn’t pleased with my responses, and she showed it. It was ridiculous. The conclusion of my testimony had the opposing attorney threatening me in regards to my employment. I was on the stand for 40 minutes. And I never want to do it again. After getting home and thinking on it, and because I work in a smaller school district that is very social, I blocked those individuals on Facebook and changed my name to a lesser-known childhood nickname only used by two people, considering I had to state my full name in front of them.

March also brought some major changes for The Man and me. We finally got Cera (the pup we adopted in January) to go on the synthetic grass and not in her sister’s room! Whoot! (Although, she is still going in her sister’s room. Boooo. We think it’s an attention/behavior thing.) The Man also ordered new bedroom furniture (finally delivered at the end of the month – there’s a story there) AND bought me these awesome planters. (Yes, we both realize he is enabling my habit supporting my hobbies and interests.) The two things I spend my $$$ on are books and plants. I’m an old lady living in the wrong body, what can I say?

In March BOTH of The Man’s parents came to Texas! Last year his dad came in May (it was Mother’s Day, I remember only because we ran into my brother and his wife on The River Walk) and I enjoyed it. At Christmas his stepmom made comments and now she came down, too! I was actually quite nervous when I arrived. She reminds me of a pixie, and she cracks me up! I only spent two days with them, but when we dropped them off for their flight out she extended an invitation to their home in Massachusetts anytime. She plans on sending packages for the grandpups. I suppose that means it went well?

Something else really exciting happened in March…but I can’t talk about it yet.

I was so excited to see the furniture. AND The Man put up the flag! He also hung his custom-made printing with his last name that was my Christmas gift to him this past year. I’ve been wondering for a while where (and when) they would go up. I’ll be working on unpacking my jewelry that’s been boxed since the move in November and rearranging clothes and designating drawers.

March Reads

My goal for the month was to start reading five books. I might not have finished all five of them, but I wanted to finish at least four and start in on a fifth book. I am excited to say I did it this month!

Average Rating: 4.5 stars
Pages Read: 1,162 pages
Favorite Book: King of the Friend Zone

March Posts

Remember, the YA Lit Giveaway is open for another 9 days!

In March I participated in Mini Blog Ahead and had a smashing success! Now, however, I’m losing my windfall. I’ve got to get back to it. I also have a series of posts I’m super excited are rolling out this month – check in on Thursdays!

Sunday Posts 

Cover Characteristics 

Top Ten Tuesdays / Tuesday Teaser & Intros 

WWW Wednesdays

Famous Last Words

Feature Follow Fridays / Blogger Hops





Visitors & Search Terms

I was absent most of the month thanks to yearbook and craziness in preparing the preparing for state testing. February clocked in with 851 visitors; March brought 1,109. A slight increase, but I haven’t had 1,500+ visitors since last September. :/

Search Terms

Unknown 62

https://girlof1000wonders.wordpress.comWell, I’m glad you finally made it. Thankfully knowing the address brought you to the right place!

a book review harry potter – A book review? As in any book review? Will that do? Well, you’ll find seven Harry Potter reviews here because Harry Potter is awesome. *whispers* Somebody’s slow to the party!

Challenge Updates

I made very little progress last month, but the gains I’ve made for the year are starting to look good! I am currently listening to an audiobook that will count for all my challenges except NetGalley, and I’m reading a current NetGalley book that will qualify for a few BINGO spaces.

March Reads

These are still on my list. I am hoping to finish all of them by the end of April. Here’s to hoping we have lots of April showers. 🙂


How did your March go? Did you get a lot of reading done? Which book was your favorite read? What about your least favorite read?

18 thoughts on “Chit Chat – March 2017

  1. March sounds like a good month! It definitely sounds like the visit with the stepmother went well! I love the new planters and the bedroom furniture. I hope you enjoy the Lily Everett’s when you get to them. I found them to be pretty fast reads. Hope April is fantastic!

  2. Your March was certainly exciting, Charlie! Sheesh! I can’t imagine the court proceedings. But I’m happy you and The Man had some good stuff going on AND that you had a good blogging month (Blog Ahead) and reading month! Good for you! Here’s to hoping April is a good month all the way around!

  3. Glad that you had a great month. Wow.. you’re doing great with the challenges. I haven’t participated in any challenges but I’m planning to someday, especially the blog ahead challenge. God knows I need it. Fingers crossed, I can do it this month.
    I hope you enjoy your books, Charlie. Have a great week. 😀

  4. My favorite read of March? I really enjoyed my reread of The King Must Die and The Bull from the Sea by Mary Renault, in a beautiful Folio Society edition. And rereading The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin was very interesting in light of current events. Of new-to-me books, My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier was very compelling and thought provoking. You had very exciting month – hope there will be more good news in time to come!

  5. The court proceeding sounds terrifying. It seems like you were really put on the spot and that opposing lawyer, OMG sounds like a lot of drama. Glad that you were able to hold your own though. The furniture looks very lovely and I like the flag.

    Have a wonderful April.

  6. It sounds like you’ve had such a busy and very stressful March, I really hope April goes a lot easier on you. Your new furniture is lovely, it must be nice to have it and be getting your home how you want it. Wishing you a happy April x

  7. I can’t even imagine the stress and anguish of being grilled in court! How awful! I definitely know you made the right decision about your social media account. I’m happy to read that your homelife went well this month and that you were able to relax and read.

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